New space themed artwork WIP

General / 19 October 2018

Some time ago I found this photograph/artwork on twitter. Tweeted by the bot @archillect. I have no idea who did this but I think it's awesome.

So I decided to give it a spin and try to recreate it as vector art inside of Affinity Designer. This is what I came up with.

I really loved the outcome but I wanted to push it a step further. So I put Grand Designer to work. This program is one of my favourite software packages ever. You can create plantes with it! :D Best.

So I rendered a planet and put it into the piece. It looked like some sort of strange galactic location or nebula anyway. So I figured a planet would fit in right away...

So this is the current state of affairs. I am not sure where to take this piece yet. As of now I really like the atmosphere. But I don't know. Is something missing? Let me know :D